How To Refinish Old Tile In Your Bathroom

Tile goes in and out of style like anything else, and you may find yourself cringing every time you look at your bathroom floor or shower walls. Still, retiling gets put off because it can be expensive to remodel an entire bathroom. But there is another solution. There are plenty of products available to help you refinish old tile in your bathroom to give it a fresh, new look. Here’s how to proceed.

Plan the time frame

Refreshing your tile can take multiple days, so make sure you have somewhere other than your bathroom to take a shower in the meantime. Schedule the maintenance, being sure to build in extra time for potential problems to arise.

Choose the right supplies

The next step is to pick the paint product for your tile. There are multiple options on the market, so check with retailers to learn more about meeting your specific needs. Be sure to get brushes, rollers, trays and any other tools you need.

Clean and prep the tile

Your tile will need to be cleaned thoroughly and properly. The paint you choose will likely have instructions on how to prep the surface for the best results. Use the right cleanser, and don’t cut corners.

Follow the directions

Next, follow the directions on the product to paint over any tile in your bathroom. Be sure to properly ventilate the area, and wear a mask to keep from breathing in fumes or other dangerous materials.

Leave time to cure

Be sure that you allow the paint enough time to cure before you use the shower. Running water on the tiles too soon can cause more significant problems and set you back to square one in the process.

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