8 Step Buying Process

So you’ve decided to buy a new home? That’s exciting! You probably have a ton of questions and that’s totally normal 🙂


Let’s meet! At our Buyer Consultation we can discuss what your wants and needs are. Once we start working together then we come up with a plan to move forward and find you the home you want.


Getting pre-qualified with a lender is the next step. I have a list of lender partners that I can introduce you to. The lender will request things like W-2’s, two previous years taxes, etc. – so be prepared to supply the items they request. They will do a full review to see what you qualify for so we know how to really focus your search. Being pre-qualified is a must before making an offer!


The fun part starts here: looking at homes! Based on the criteria that you and I discuss in the Buyer’s Consultation, I will set up a search of homes for sale. Are you looking to live close to your work? We can narrow the search to a specific area. Need to downsize or upgrade? We can look at homes that are specific sizes. Love new construction? Love historic home? We can look at new neighborhoods or in Jacksonville’s historic neighborhoods. You’ll receive daily notifications and when you see one you like, we will go take a look in person.


We’ll start touring homes and going to Open Houses. We will narrow down homes for sale and find the right one based on what your wants and needs are. We’ll talk about your budget and any upgrades or changes that you may want to do.


Once we find the perfect home, then I’ll write an offer for you. There are some basic terms that we will need to discuss such as inspections, date to close, the appraisal, and more! Then I will send the offer to the Seller’s agent. The Seller will accept the offer, reject the offer, or counter the offer. We’ll work together to navigate the process and make an agreement that you are comfortable with.


Once you are under contract, then you’ll move on to inspections, getting your financing, and the appraisal. I’ll walk you through all of these steps and help you navigate any hurdles that come up.


Then it’s time to close! The closing will take place at a title company. Your lender will wire your borrowed funds to the title company and you will provide your closing cost and down payment amount. There will be a stack of papers to sign for your lender and the mortgage. It typically takes about an hour.


Get your keys and celebrate!

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